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Value Congruence…What Is It, and Why It Matters?

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

"Culture is the total sum of knowledge, behaviour patterns, priorities and values shared and transmitted by members of a particular society." Ralph Linton

Culture is at the heart of all we do and pre-determines how we show up in the world. When we can practice our personal values in life and work, we close the gap between who we are, how we show up, and how others perceive us. Practising one’s values within the framework of corporate values establishes credibility, and the greatest level of coherence between the two is reached.

What Is Value Congruence?

Value congruence can be viewed as the binding set of shared values that form a cohesive bond between organisations, groups, and individuals. When the organisation's values are different from its employees, the effectiveness of all levels of the organisation is negatively affected.

That's because an incongruence is created when group values differ from individuals, and the team's effectiveness is hindered. Incongruence leads to degraded performance, personal dissatisfaction, and procrastination.

Therefore, achieving value congruence within an organisation involves three steps.

the individual, the group, and finally, connecting to the organization

Step 1: Individual Value Congruence

Starting with yourself

At its core, values start with yourself. Organisational and group values certainly play critical roles in building value congruence. But if individuals are not in alignment with their internal values, then congruence cannot be achieved in teams or the organisation.

Self-awareness is vital for knowledge and change. Put succinctly, it is the harmonious connection between how we state we want to conduct ourselves with how we actually live because personal values form the basis of motivation and psychological happiness.

"At EWest Connect We work with individuals and teams to gain clarity and understanding of their normative and descriptive values."

Step 2: Value Congruence in Groups

Meeting the group on common ground

An intermediate step is required before individuals can align their values and the organisation. The group is where people come together with similarities and differences. However, the word "uniqueness" shifts the mindset to be curious and appreciative rather than the word "differences," which can change the mindset to label and persuade.

To build a healthy and successful team culture, you must start with trust as the foundation because it creates a safe space for collaboration. As long as trust is in place, individual team members are open to being challenged, viewing and discussing different perspectives, and voicing disagreement.

"We use unique interactive tools and techniques supporting groups to prioritise their values, establish linkages to the driving forces behind those values to harness them for organisational purposes."

Step 3: Organisational Value Congruence

Connecting to the organisation

When management establishes corporate values, employees don't automatically fall in line. Individuals and groups must be connected to the organisation to resolve incongruencies where individual values conflict with the corporate direction.

Teams are the bridge between individual and corporate values. Employees can relate to the organisation's purpose and culture through personal commitment to enterprise-aligned group values, and their authentic contributions to corporate goals lead to organisational value congruence.

"Our consulting and coaching services unlock the hidden potential of every organisation by creating a common objective for individuals, groups and organisations and building a solid culture."

Applying Our Expertise

At EWest Connect, our job is to work with individuals and teams to gain clarity and understanding of their normative and descriptive values and establish linkages to the driving forces behind those values to harness them for organisational purposes using our unique application of value congruence methodologies, techniques, and tools.

Our training and coaching unlock the hidden potential of every organisation by creating a common objective for all constituents and building a solid culture that collaborates with individuals, teams and organisations.

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